My apologies for taking forever to getting back to this blog. I know many of my family members do not FaceBook, so you don't actually get up-to-date footage on my munchkins. (Or us.) Of course a lot happens in a half of year.
First of all, we are all good, healthy, happy and having fun. LOTS of fun! Both kids still take gymnastics and love it. We love having our LegoLand Passes, so we renewed, Sea World had a special, buy a day get the rest of the year free, so we used the heck out of it in 2011.
June: We LOVE LegoLand. Father's Day Pirates, Open House at School, it is great because we get to see all of the work the kids have done for the year. Since Lily only went one month, she showed us how to do some of her 'work.' On the Last Day of School I always make a giant cookie, the size of their heads! Lily eats quite a bit of hers and Noah nibbles a bit of his. They always forget about them the next day, but they sure are fun when they are waiting for them when they get home.
July: Baby Party (Lily was insisting on having a Baby Party - not sure what that was, but I threw her a mini party with 3 of her little friends and they brought their babies.) Sea World, Zoo's and swimming.
August: Sea World, Blizzard Company Picnic, Lego Land, Sea World (yes, again), Professional Photos (Please don't use these for anything other than personal use.)
September: Gramma & PaPa visit and we go to Nevada, HAIL!, 1st Day of School. Nevada you may ask? Well, I have a Bucket list and one of the things on that bucket list is to visit every State as a family. We want to do fun stuff, educational stuff, visit people, take different means of transportation. It is very exciting to think of and plan.
October: Noah's 5th Birthday party was a Space Rocket theme, Open House at the local Fire Department, Halloween Costumes, Air Bag War Wounds 10/16/11.
December: Lego Land, Santa, my little singers, Sea World. (In between we all got that nasty stomach flu, we are all good now though.)
January: Fruit Kabobs, Noah's New Room (We started this in October, but never got to completing it until 1/17/12), Gifts from Santa. I started making Homemade granola, oh my gosh is it good. I am convinced EVERYthing tastes better homemade.
If you are wondering why November is not there, it is because I didn't take any photos. I think Halloween was the only time I took a couple of photos after the accident and it hurt to take them, so I didn't get back to snapping the kiddo's until December. It has been a long recovery.
So, here are the pictures. You'll see my kids grow 6 months in a matter of minutes. Don't forget, you click on the top one and it will bring you to a group of photos. :)
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