Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 2010

October is always a fun-filled, action packed busy month. We love it!

Farmers Market with Friends
Visit with Gramma and Papa
Apple Picking
Pumpkin Patch
Noah's Birthday and his party (2 days)
My Birthday get away to Vegas (Gramma and Papa are the best.)
BBQ with WoW friends
Harvest Festival at School
Trick or Treating at Blizzard
Parent Pit Stop/Trick or Treating/ Friends for dinner on 10/31

The monkey and banana did not pose well together and then the banana spilled hot chocolate on himself, I am not sure we will ever have a really yellow banana again.

Maui - July 2010

We went with my parents and the kids to Maui for the first 11 days in July. What an amazing trip we had. We went for a wedding for some wonderful friends of ours. Talk about a beautiful destination wedding. Lots of time with the kids, some time for just Monte and I on our own. My folks had some time alone as well. Just amazing. These are just a few of the pictures we took. We did so much and saw so much. I look forward to going back some day.

Looking back at the pictures makes me remember how much we did not want to leave. We will definitely go back.

September 2010

September was full of fun, but a little less busy. We had some free weekends where we just kinda hung out together. It was nice.

Highlights of September:

Sleepover at the San Diego Wild Animal Park
White Sox won at an Angels game
Noah went back to school on the 7th
Open house at school
Finished up with Swim lessons for the year.
Said goodbye to our beloved kitty Cassanova on 9/20/10 :(

Back to our usual school schedule. I can't believe how fast summer went. Noah only gets 9 weeks off for summer break. I could have sworn the summers were longer when I was a kid. He was thrilled to be back in school and with his friends. He loves his teachers and doing his work and playing with his friends and eating lunch with his friends.

The kids started doing art projects once a week during the end of summer. I have tried to continue to have some form of art project for them once a week or every other week. I think their favorite was painting this house I got at Costco about 2 years ago. I got it thinking it would be a great idea for the kids, but I'd wait. I waited awhile, and though they were young, I thought - go - have at it. What a hoot!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

August 2010

VBS was the first whole week of August. It was great fun. I volunteered every day, Lily was in the nursery (for volunteer kids) and Noah was in his first official VBS class. It was SO much fun!

Highlights of August included:

Circus with Noah's school
Swim lessons
2 Pool parties
2 Birthday parties
2 Luaus
OC Fair
Wild Rivers Water Park
A mini- Cirque preview at a shopping center (super hot that day).

A fun week of babysitters and Daddy while Momma went back to Chicago to say Goodbye to her Grandpa. :) and :(

We kinda just 'lived' in August instead of document it. Here are some shots though. :)

July 2010

Three words to describe this month. Busy but FUN!

Hawaii for 11 days. (This will have to be another whole post.)
Momma to Chicago.
Daddy to Chicago.

All the stuff in between gymnastics and swim lessons.

June 2010

Wow, two posts in about an hour - how can it be?

June was fun for us. Noah's school goes all the way to June 30th, so we stayed close to home. Us Krol's like to have fun!


(Again - some repeats for our FB friends.)

May 2010

It has been SO LONG since I have posted. May - October can we just say SWOOSH!!!!

Here are a few shots from the rest of May.

Noah had a Mother's Day tea at school. They sang 'You are my Sunshine' while holding little suns they made with paper plates.
We went to the WAP with our friends and had some fun there!
Lily and I did some hanging out at the house, she has an amazing imagination and has grown so much just since May!