Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jan 2011- May 2011

Okay, it has been a LONG time since I have posted. Whoops. Got busy doing a zillion things.

Recap for the last 5 months.

January - Big Bear - no snow. Flew kites. Played Trains.
February - Big Bear - yay! snow! Valentines pictures. Lily Gymnastics. Tea House.
March - WooT Lily is 3! Santa Barbara. Tea Party. PJ Party at the Community Center.
April - Vacation in Seattle, just a few to post. Easter.
May - Mother's Day and Tea. Grandma LaLa and Aunt Rose visit. Gramma Van visit. Lily's first day of school. (She is going to get her feet wet for a month. Summer off and then back in September. She is having a blast!)

And pictures! (Don't forget to click on the first one, it will open the album.)




